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Newsletter No.15 – Body Mapping Workshop and More

Hello, everyone. I hope you all are keeping yourself safe and well. Adelaide where I live now has been hot and cold, the weather changing all the time. There were bushfires relatively close to where I live now and we had to keep the radio on for the updates until the late night. It was scary. Next morning, we smelt something burnt strongly after the fresh rain. As far as the covid situation is concerned, some cities in Australia have been back to snap lockdown and come back to another normal.

My first workshop of this year that I held was Body Mapping in Adelaide. For the two-intensive days, my amazing colleague, Vanessa Daughtry and I worked so hard – together we moved, listened, stayed in collective silence, supported and held the expressed fear and sadness by the participants. We had the two lovely women who committed honestly and engaged tirelessly in the process. The aim of the workshop is to deeply connect with the body and creatively express bodily felt senses on a body-sized paper. We are not working towards making a ‘beautiful’ artwork. Vanessa and I had a joy of witnessing the movement, development of the maps and being deeply connected with the participants. With their permission, I am delighted to share some of our work here.

One day before the workshop, I was thinking of how I personally would be engaging in this big project. At the end of the day, well, around 11pm (as I did not have time for myself), I started to do movement response to this upcoming workshop– something that dance movement psychotherapists practice. Respond to a situation by spontaneously and authentically moving. I was gently, slowly moving in the small space with a strong sense of rooting my body on the ground. I did a drawing after the movement as well. Next day, just before the workshop, I shared with Vanessa that I was feeling of “being not good enough” as a facilitator. I acknowledged my weakness and fear and felt calmer and more grounded after the sharing. Vanessa and I would like to continue to offer the workshop seasonably in Adelaide. We are happy to announce the next Autumn workshop will take place on 23rd and 24th April 2021. Details are here.

The last two weeks I have been sitting with the overwhelming feeling about work opportunities. I am getting a sense of arts psychotherapies blooming in Adelaide. I have been busy with networking with therapists of different arts psychotherapy modalities and planning more workshops. I am hoping to soon provide a space for people in Adelaide to connect with their body and move. It will be an experiential movement space for those who would like to simply move or experience an essence of dance/movement psychotherapy. I have been putting myself in a situation where I may be doing too many things at this moment. However, I must share with you that I am also feeling my life is short. After my mother’s passing in 2013, I am living with a fear of death. She died due to breast cancer and I know she would have achieved and enjoyed her life more only if she would have been able to live healthy. She was as enthusiastic and curious as I am. She always wanted to learn, travel, see things and so on. So, if not now, it will be “never” for me. I am living with this feeling. However, I am mindful with possible burnout therefore I am reminding myself that it is important to do one thing at a time.

As more vaccinations roll out now, I really hope we can again live in a safer world. It will be soon one year since the pandemic started. We may need to live with virus for a while, but hopefully unification of families and friends will happen soon this year. I really hope you all stay safe. Thank you for reading my newsletter. I appreciate your comments, feedback and suggestions to me (!

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ニュースレター No.15 – ボディマップワークショップ報告







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