Hello, everyone. I hope you all have been doing well. Some parts of Australia have been flooded and this fact just alerts us more than ever that the global climate crisis is here. The Australian Federal Government decided to scrap the covid-related isolation rules even when you are infected with Covid. It feels like the Pandemic is the ‘past thing’; this feels surreal to me at the same time as I felt for the past two years that this ‘normal’ would never come back to our lives.
Somatic Body Mapping
I was finally able to conduct the Spring Somatic Body Mapping workshop. Two women, professionally practicing counselling, participated in it this time. You might feel that the two-day workshop is long. However, when I witness people’s inner world through their body maps, allowing the body to explore for such a length of time is vital and sensible. In this space, we are not rushed. Personal matters that sometimes may not have been expressed or spoken before can be gently unfolded in this slow space. When the body is provided time and space to express itself, it speaks powerfully and honestly. By re-visiting the facilitation of the somatic body mapping workshop this time, I was more convinced that we should spend more time than we think we should, so that even the wounds, traumas, emotions and bodily felt senses can be supported to gently emerge. In my witness, participants find endurance, resilience, and strengths in this process. I sincerely thank the two participants for their honest engagement in the creation of the maps. In November, I will offer another somatic body mapping workshop for a group of creative arts psychotherapists in Adelaide. I will continue to offer the same workshop in 2023, so please let me know if you would like to explore this unique creative journey with me. You can have a glimpse of it here.
This year I decided to become a clinical supervisor, which was a big step-up decision as I had planned a supervisor training course around the year 2025. While my work situation accelerated me to make up my mind, I am glad that I embarked on this new learning journey. As part of the supervision training, I need to submit a written assignment in November – which is quite daunting! I now understand that supervision is like opening a Pandora’s Box, the complexity of clients-therapist relationships and supervisee-supervisor relationships. I have been learning a lot from my supervisees too. It is such a mutual learning space. I continue to offer clinical supervision to practitioners and if you would like to explore clinical cases creatively and bodily, get in touch with me please.
Upcoming Events Move & Connect - Monthly Moving Space for All happening on the 24th of November from 7pm to 8pm at Room 6, Mitcham Community Centre.
Practitioners’ Learning Circle – Monthly online get-together for allied health practitioners on the 27th of October from 3pm till 4:30pm (AEDT). October passed by so fast for me and it felt so busy this month that I forgot my own supervision! It was in my diary but not in the electronic diary, and on reflection I just thought I pushed myself too much to do many things. In the coming weeks, I would like to sit and reflect on the year 2022. I am looking forward to seeing what may be expressed in my reflections by moving. I hope to be able to announce the 2023 programs in the next newsletter. Hopefully, I can share some exciting new workshops with you all. I hope you all continue to stay safe and healthy. It would be nice to hear from you too. #dancemovementtherapy #dancetherapyadelaide #SA #somaticbodymapping #BodyMapping #mentalhealth