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Newsletter No.2 ~ Passion for Dance and A Sudden Goodbye

Writer's picture: Mioi Forster-NakayamaMioi Forster-Nakayama

I spent 11 years living in India. In the last six years of that time, I spent most of my time training myself as a dancer. Having seen some artists inspiring street children, I also wanted to do something creative. I chose this path as I had an inkling in my mind that I wanted to pursue dance movement therapy. It was a crazy idea that at the age of 32 I decided to commit myself to full-time dance training at a professional dance institute in Bangalore. I found myself feeling somewhat ridiculous learning classical ballet at this age, but later grew to love it. In the dancers’ network, I met young Indian dancers coming from affluent families who are educated, passionate and proud of what they do. Their life was quite different from the ones of children’s whom I worked with. After the training, I worked with different artists, loved the creative time and later met Yana Lewis (@ The Lewis Foundation of Classical Ballet). Yana is a London-born ballerina and teacher who has passionately dedicated herself to founding a ballet culture in Indian society for the last two decades. Through her, I had an opportunity to work with children who are afflicted with HIV through their dead parents. I found this work tough and daunting as I could see their attachment issues and huge personal needs. I also enjoyed the performances every now and then. I loved to stand on the stage and have the lights shine on me.

At the same time, I started to feel that I should leave India soon and start a new thing. I knew too much about people, the city, language and culture. I knew what to ask or where to go, and even knew how to talk to policemen who tried to get a bribe from me! It was not challenging enough anymore for me after 10 years. Although I was a bit torn between “wanting to leave” or “wanting to remain”, I started to look for opportunities in London to study dance therapy.

It was 2013 March I had to leave India - this came all of sudden due to a visa issue. I had to pack everything suddenly and left the country. I could not spend enough time to say good bye to the people. I could not mentally make the children of Bornfree prepare for my leaving. This was the only thing I regretted when I had left. It was painful for me to leave this second home – I was as much attached to the people and culture as the children I worked with.

In September 2013, I finally came to London. I knew nobody in this mega city. I knew nowhere. But my Indian experience somehow left me with no fear of living here. I was nearly over confident- if you can live in a country like India, you can survive anywhere in the world!

In my first year dance therapy training, I had to work a lot on my attachment to India in the training and my personal therapy. I embarked a new life, being a full-time postgraduate student!

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